25 April 2017

Speech by CNIM at the Franco-German Energy Transition Office conference


The Franco-German Energy Transition Office
will host a conference on the theme of “Renewable heat for the energy transition”

Wednesday, April 26th 2017
French Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea
Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Énergie et de la Mer (MEEM)

The conference will be moderated by Marie Jo Sader from Actu-Environnement
Registration should be completed online at www.ofate.eu

Christophe Cordhomme, CNIM Business & Products Development Director for the Environment Sector,
will be speaking at 3.00-3.30 pm on the theme of thermal solar and the implementation of projects by SUNCNIM in France



Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Énergie et de la Mer (MEEM)

Tour Sequoia 1 place Carpeaux
92055 La Défense/Paris

Conference progamme SUNCNIM solar steam generators and power plants