18 September 2019

Treatment and recovery of waste

CNIM participation in the annual IRRC Waste-to-Energy Symposium in Vienna (Austria) on October 14 and 15, 2019

This international symposium on the future of waste-to-energy conversion brings together industry, operators and researchers. It is organized each year by Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag.

The CNIM group will actively participate in it:

  • On Monday, October 14 at 2:30 pm, session "Strategic topics": Christophe Cord'homme, Director of Development of CNIM Environnement & Energie, will speak on the theme "Pretreatment or Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) for Waste-To-Energy - do we need them? ».
  • Tuesday, October 15:
    • 12h00 - "Flue Gas Treatment" session: Dr. Frank Tabaries, Director of Construction and Services at CNIM Environnement & Energie, will present CNIM's most recent innovations with a presentation entitled "Integrated technology for NOx and dioxin removal inside the boiler",
    • 14h30 - "IT and digitisation" session: Antoni Regnier, R&D Engineer, and Dr. Philippe Cattieuw, CNIM Engineering Director, will present their work on "Dynamic plant simulator - a virtual reality twin to model WtE plant behaviour and to train operators".

Note: the proceedings of these conferences will be published in detailed articles in a book Volume 9 of the series "Waste management - Waste-to-Energy" available on the website https://www.vivis.de/fachbuecher/english-books/
