22 November 2016

Pollutec 2016 (Nov 29 to Dec 2): meet with CNIM on booth n° 222, Hall 4 - Aisle N

Meet with CNIM and its subsidiaries LAB and Bertin on booth n° 222, Hall 4 - Aisle N
November 29 to December 2, 2016

Meet with our experts and discover the proven solutions we can implement to respond to your challenges.

Attend our conference on December 1st, from 16:50 to 17:35 at the Energy Forum
A new energy recovery faiclity for municipal waste in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
by Christophe Cord'homme, Development Director for the Environment and Renewable Energy Sector, CNIM.

In order to significantly reduce the use of landfill for household waste disposal, the British government has implemented regulation and determined ecological taxation. This led to the construction of many Energy Recovery Facilities for municipal solid waste. Among its references, CNIM has designed and built a turnkey new plant in Oxford. This enhances all the energy contained in non-recyclable residual municipal waste of Oxfordshire county and has allowed the closure of the landfill.

Click here to discover our waste-to-energy offer

  • The following activities are presented on the booth

    - Turnkey Energy-from-Waste plants
    - Waste disposal and recycling
    - Composting equipment
    - Incineration plants for solid waste
    - Biomass and biotechnologies
    - Boilers, boiler rooms
    - Heat pumps, absorption machines

- Turnkey systems for flue-gas teratment
- Dust treatment, clinker and ash processing
- Catalytic converters
- Metal recovery

- Smart monitoring of complex energy production systems
- Monitoring & Detection equipment
. Instrumentation - Automation
. Safety (protection, measurement, monitoring)
. Risks prevention and management


Lyon Eurexpo France
69686 Chassieu